Check Subdomains Of A Domain (2025)

1. Free subdomain finder online 🛡️ find subdomains of domain

  • Use the free subdomain scanner to lookup and check all the subdomains of a domain. Check how many sub domains you can find to map your attack surface.

2. Subdomain Finder -

  • A subdomain finder is a tool used to find the subdomains of a given domain. Subdomains are created when a second-level domain is added to a top-level domain.

  • Subdomain Finder is a scanner that scans an entire domain to find as many subdomains as possible.

3. Find all Subdomains of a Website - SE Ranking

  • How to use our subdomain scanner. Subdomain Finder is straightforward to use. To start, enter the target domain address and click Scan.

  • Free subdomain scanner can help find all website subdomains and get additional information like traffic share or the number of keywords.

4. Subdomains Lookup | Find all subdomains | WhoisXML API

5. How to find Subdomains of a Domain in Minutes? - Geekflare

  • 26 jun 2024 · NMMapper is a useful tool for finding subdomains associated with your website. It utilizes eight popular subdomain finders to gather all hosts ...

  • Having an unsecured subdomain can lead to a serious risk to your business. Here are some tools to find any website's subdomains.

6. Find DNS Host Records | Subdomain Finder -

  • Online tool to enumerate subdomains of a domain. Find host records for a domain during the discovery phase of a security assessment or penetration test.

7. 8 Subdomain Enumeration —How to find Subdomains of any Domain

  • 3 jun 2022 · Subdomain Enumeration helps to create a scope of security assessment by revealing Domains/Subdomains of a target organization.

  • Hello, I have come today with a very useful topic of recon. In this blog we will see how to find Subdomain of any target. So, lets start.

8. Subdomain Finder Online - S4E

  • You can use S4E's online and free subdomain finder tool on how to find all the subdomains of a domain. All you need to do is to type the domain name which you ...

  • Subdomains often address different sections of a website. Each subdomain could be a new attack vector for you. Use our free and online tool to find subdomains.

9. - dns recon and research, find and lookup dns records

  • ... subdomains. We use open source intelligence resources to query for related domain data. ... Check our Getting Started with Footprinting for more information.

  • Find dns records in order to identify the Internet footprint of an organization. Recon that enables deeper security assessments and discovery of the attack surface.

10. How do I find all the subdomains of a domain name? - Gandi News

  • 25 jan 2022 · The best way to get a list of all subdomains of a domain name is by having access to the DNS zone file of that domain name.

  • There are several reasons you might want to be able to find all subdomains of a domain, but in general, those reasons boil down to either mounting some kind of attack on a website (which we don’t condone) or protecting yourself from such an attack, including auditing your subdomains to ensure there are no unused subdomains laying around in your DNS zone file.

11. Easy Ways to Find All the Subdomains of a Domain - Host IT Smart

  • There are different ways and tools to find subdomains, from simple searches like Google or NsLookup to more automated options like Sublist3r, DNSDumpster, and ...

  • Learn effective ways to easily find all the subdomains of a domain in this detailed guide that covers various tools and techniques for identifying subdomains.

12. Find subdomains of a domain name - Shirish Padalkar

  • Find subdomains of a domain name · Visit · Search for the domain you want sub-domains of. For example, · Click on “ ...

  • I often needed to find sub-domains of a domain. Simple Google search for any tool doesn’t return any good results. There are couple of command line tools which does some brute forcing. But they are painfully slow. I found another easier way to do this using Wolfram Alpha. 1.

13. Subdomain enumeration tools and techniques - Ceeyu

  • 24 mei 2022 · Simply enter the domain name you want to enumerate into the search box, and the tool will return a list of all subdomains that have been logged ...

  • Subdomain enumeration is the process of identifying all subdomains for a given domain. This can be useful for identifying potential targets for an attack, or organizational purposes.

Check Subdomains Of A Domain (2025)


How do I know all the subdomains of a domain? ›

The Deep scan uses multiple techniques to find subdomains fast and effectively:
  1. DNS records (NS, MX, TXT, AXFR)
  2. Enumeration using built-in wordlists, plus the option to use your own.
  3. External APIs search.
  4. Public search engine queries (Google search, Bing)
  5. Word mutation techniques.
  6. Searching in SSL certificates.

What search phrase can be used to find subdomains of a website? ›

There are some subdomains that are defined for virtually every domain name, such as www, and others that are very common, like shop or mail. But by going through and trying a DNS query using `dig`, `nslookup`, or `host` for as many possible subdomains, you might find some hidden ones.

How many subdomains is too many? ›

Characteristics and Parameters of a Subdomain

A domain can have up to 500 subdomains. You can create multiple levels of subdomains such as,, etc. Each subdomain can be up to 255 characters long, but for multi level subdomains, each level can only be 63 characters long.

How do I verify a sub domain? ›

you can verify your subdomain to be used in Google Search Console by linking your account to Google Analytics. This way you avoid customizing the theme of your help center. Go to and set up a property within your Google Analytics account for your subdomain.

How do I find all subsites of a website? ›

A simple Google search can help you find this in a quick move. Enter the “site: your domain” into the search bar, and Google will find all pages on the website that have been indexed. It can also be helpful in displaying pages that are hidden or less accessible pages.

Do subdomains affect main domain SEO? ›

Yes, Google indexes and ranks subdomains separately from the main site. However, the SEO impact of subdomains may not be as significant as that of subdirectories, as they are considered separate entities.

What is the best tool to find subdomains? ›

The Best Subdomain Enumeration Tools
  • Google Dorking.
  • Sublist3r.
  • Amass.
  • Recon-ng.
  • SubDomainizer.
  • Pentest Tools Subdomain Finder.
  • Shodan.
May 13, 2024

What is the Google command to find the subdomains of a website? ›

By search engines

These operators are often referred to as Google Dorks. We can use site: operator in Google search to find all the Subdomains that Google has found for a Domain. Lets take an example on “”.

Do subdomains show up on Google search? ›

The short answer is yes, Google can and will index and rank subdomains unless you explicitly take steps to ensure they're excluded from its index. Google's entire business model is based on discovering content. The same goes for all search engines.

What are the disadvantages of subdomains? ›

Subdomain cons

Technical complexity: Managing multiple subdomains can be more complex and time-consuming than managing a single domain, as each subdomain generally requires separate hosting, configuration, and maintenance.

Do subdomains affect domain reputation? ›

Your subdomain reputation(s) can impact base domain reputation, but the impact between subdomains will be small. Subdomains are not a way to avoid a bad domain reputation. Instead, they will help differentiate your traffic while maintaining a clear relationship with your main domain.

Does Google penalize subdomains? ›

Google will not penalize international websites that exist on separate subdomains if they have duplicate content.

What is a subdomain finder? ›

Subdomain Finder scans the DNS records and supplementary databases to analyze the domain's hierarchy. Our subdomain scanner checks: DNS records (NS, MX, TXT, AXFR) DNS enumeration. SSL certificates.

How do you tell if a website is a subdomain? ›

Regular domains are your standard URLs like or splashthat. events. Subdomains are a unique URL that lives on your purchased domain as an extension in front of your regular domain like or

Is a fully qualified domain name the same as a subdomain? ›

Any labels to the left of the second-level domain are considered subdomains of the second-level domain (sometimes called third-level domains). A fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is a domain name that extends all the way back to root.

How do I find all subdomains in Google? ›

Google's search operators make it easy to narrow down the search to find more subdomains. We can use the "site" operator in the search bar to find all the subdomains that Google has indexed for a domain. Google also supports the minus operator to exclude any subdomains we are not interested in.

Are subdomains included with the domain? ›

Subdomains are used to expand the use of a single domain, these do not need to be purchased separately to your domain; if you own a domain then you can add a subdomain to this. This method is commonly used for Moodle and Totara site setups.

How can you tell the difference between a domain and a subdomain? ›

Regular domains are your standard URLs like or splashthat. events. Subdomains are a unique URL that lives on your purchased domain as an extension in front of your regular domain like or

How do I know if something is a subdomain? ›

While a subdomain will appear before your TLD, a subdirectory link will include the subdirectory name after the original TLD. For example: Subdomain example: Subdirectory example:

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.