The Rankings Of Knights: Understanding The Hierarchy Of Chivalry | Medieval Chronicles (2024)

Knighthood, a prestigious and honorable title bestowed upon skilled warriors, has a long and storied history that dates back to the Middle Ages.

These brave individuals, known for their valor, loyalty, and code of chivalry, served as protectors of the realm, defending their kingdoms and upholding the ideals of knighthood.

Within the realm of knighthood, there existed a complex hierarchy that determined the rankings of knights, ranging from the humblest page to the highest level of nobility.

In this article, we will delve into the intricate system of knighthood rankings and explore the roles and responsibilities of knights at each level.

The Page: The First Step on the Path of Knighthood

The journey to knighthood began at a young age for many aspiring knights, often as early as seven years old. Boys of noble birth were sent to serve as pages in the castles of lords or knights, where they would receive an education in the skills necessary for knighthood.

Pages were responsible for performing various tasks, such as running errands, assisting with armor and weapons, and learning basic combat techniques. They were also expected to learn courtly manners, etiquette, and religious instruction.

As pages, young boys would receive guidance from knights and squires, learning about the virtues of knighthood, such as courage, loyalty, and humility. They were also required to serve their lords and obey their orders without question.

Pages were essentially apprentices, preparing themselves for the next step in their journey towards becoming knights.

The Squire: The Dutiful Companion of the Knight

After serving as a page for several years, a young boy would then become a squire, a crucial step in the path to knighthood. Squires were expected to assist knights in battle, accompanying them to tournaments, and serving as their personal attendants.

They would learn advanced combat skills, such as riding, jousting, and swordsmanship, as well as the art of war strategy and tactics.

Squires were responsible for caring for the knight’s armor, weapons, and horses, and were expected to be well-versed in the code of chivalry. They would also learn about heraldry, the system of identifying knights through their coats of arms and emblems.

Squires were considered the right-hand men of knights, and their duties often included guarding their lords, accompanying them on quests, and even acting as messengers or diplomats on their behalf.

The Dubbing: The Ceremony of Knighthood

Upon reaching maturity and completing their training as squires, aspiring knights would undergo a ceremony known as dubbing, where they would be officially knighted.

The dubbing ceremony varied depending on the region and time period, but it typically involved the young knight taking vows of loyalty, courage, and humility, and receiving a knighthood accolade, which could be a sword, a blow with a sword on the shoulder or neck, or a tap on the shoulder with a sword.

The newly dubbed knight would then take an oath to uphold the code of chivalry, which included ideals such as protecting the weak, defending the church, and showing mercy to enemies. Knights were expected to be valiant, honorable, and just in their actions, and were bound by a strict code of conduct that governed their behavior both on and off the battlefield.

The Knight Bachelor: The Basic Rank of Knighthood

The most basic rank of knighthood was that of a Knight Bachelor, These knights were not affiliated with any particular lord or noble house, and they typically served as freelance warriors, seeking employment and opportunities for valor on the battlefield. Knight Bachelors were entitled to wear a distinctive symbol of their status, a banner or pennant, which they would carry into battle to identify themselves.

As Knight Bachelors, knights would participate in tournaments, battles, and campaigns, displaying their prowess in combat and earning renown for their chivalry and skill. They would also be expected to fulfill their duties as vassals to their liege lords, providing military service when called upon and assisting with the administration of their lands.

Knight Bachelors were often granted lands or estates as rewards for their service, which they would be responsible for managing and defending.

The Knight Banneret: A Distinguished Rank in Battle

A Knight Banneret was a higher rank of knighthood that was bestowed upon a knight who had distinguished themselves in battle. It was a prestigious title that was granted on the field of battle, typically during a major engagement or campaign.

When a Knight Bachelor showed exceptional courage, leadership, and valor in the midst of a battle, they could be promoted to the rank of Knight Banneret by their commander or liege lord.

The title of Knight Banneret came with certain privileges, such as the right to lead a battalion of troops, carry a square-shaped banner, and be given a place of honor at court. Knight Bannerets were considered elite warriors, known for their martial prowess, and were often chosen to lead important military expeditions or serve as commanders in times of war.

The Knight Commander: A Leader of Knights

As knights gained experience and proved themselves in battle, some would be appointed as Knight Commanders, also known as Knight Commandants or Knight Marshals.

Knight Commanders were high-ranking knights who were entrusted with the responsibility of leading and commanding other knights in battle. They were considered to be skilled tacticians and strategists, responsible for organizing and directing knights on the battlefield, as well as overseeing their training and discipline.

Knight Commanders held significant authority and were often chosen to serve as military advisors to lords, kings, or other high-ranking nobles. They would be responsible for planning and executing military campaigns, training and drilling knights, and maintaining discipline and order among the ranks of knights under their command.

Knight Commanders were known for their leadership qualities, martial skills, and chivalry, and were highly respected among their peers.

The Knight Champion: The Champion of the Realm

The Knight Champion, also known as the Knight Champion of the Realm, was a prestigious title bestowed upon a knight who had proven themselves to be the most skilled and valorous knight in the realm. The Knight Champion was considered to be the epitome of chivalry, the embodiment of the ideals and virtues of knighthood.

The Knight Champion was responsible for representing the realm in tournaments and battles, serving as a symbol of prowess and honor. They were often called upon to defend the realm in times of crisis or to challenge and defeat enemies who threatened the kingdom. The Knight Champion was expected to be the best of the best, renowned for their martial skills, courage, and unwavering commitment to the code of chivalry.

The Knight Commander of the Order: A Leader of Knights in Service of an Order

Knights who were members of a chivalric order, such as the Knights Templar, the Knights Hospitaller, or the Order of the Garter, would have their own hierarchy of ranks. One of the highest ranks within a chivalric order was the Knight Commander of the Order.

The Knight Commander of the Order was a high-ranking knight who held leadership and administrative responsibilities within the order. They were responsible for overseeing the activities and operations of the order, maintaining its traditions and customs, and ensuring that its members adhered to the code of conduct and ideals of the order.

The Knight Commander of the Order was expected to lead by example, upholding the highest standards of chivalry and embodying the virtues of the order.

The Knight Commander of the Order would often serve as the second-in-command to the Grand Master or the Master of the order, and would be involved in decision-making, strategic planning, and the execution of the order’s mission and objectives. They would also be responsible for recruiting, training, and disciplining knights within the order, as well as maintaining the order’s finances and properties.

The Grand Master: The Highest Rank of Knighthood

The highest rank of knighthood was that of the Grand Master, also known as the Master of the Order, the Supreme Commander, or the Lord Commander. The Grand Master was the ultimate authority within a chivalric order, and held supreme power and authority over all the knights and members of the order.

The Grand Master was responsible for leading the order, setting its policies and strategies, and upholding its traditions and customs. They would preside over meetings, make important decisions, and represent the order in diplomatic and ceremonial functions.

The Grand Master was also responsible for maintaining the order’s properties, finances, and other assets, as well as overseeing the welfare of its members.

In addition to their administrative and leadership responsibilities, the Grand Master was expected to be an exemplary knight, embodying the virtues of chivalry and serving as a role model for all members of the order. They were often chosen for their exceptional martial skills, wisdom, and integrity, and were considered to be the pinnacle of knighthood.


Knighthood has a long and storied history, with a hierarchical system of ranks that varied depending on the time period, region, and chivalric order. From the humble Page to the esteemed Grand Master, the ranks of knights represented different levels of skill, valor, and leadership within the realm of chivalry.

Knights progressed through the ranks by proving themselves in battle, displaying courage, skill, and chivalry. They served their lords, their kingdom, or their chivalric order with honor and distinction, and were entrusted with increasing responsibilities as they advanced in rank.

The highest ranks of knights, such as Knight Bannerets, Knight Commanders, Knight Champions, and Grand Masters, were considered elite warriors and leaders who represented the epitome of knighthood.

Today, the legacy of knighthood lives on in the form of modern-day orders of chivalry and honorary knighthoods bestowed by monarchs and other dignitaries. The ideals of chivalry, such as courage, honor, and service, continue to inspire and influence individuals in their pursuit of excellence and nobility. The ranks of knights, both historical and contemporary, serve as a testament to the enduring legacy of knighthood as a symbol of valor, honor, and nobility in the annals of history.

5 Great Books about Medieval Knights

“The Knight in History” by Frances Gies
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the historical development of knighthood, including the various ranks, roles, and responsibilities of medieval knights.

“The Order of the Hospital: Knights of Malta and Cistercians, 1099-1798” by Peter Partner
This book delves into the history and organization of the Order of the Hospital, one of the most renowned chivalric orders of the medieval era, and discusses the ranks and hierarchy within the order.

“The Knights Templar: The History and Myths of the Legendary Military Order” by Sean Martin
This book explores the rise and fall of the Knights Templar, one of the most famous medieval chivalric orders, and delves into their ranks, structure, and legendary reputation.

“Knighthood in the Morte Darthur” by Thomas Malory
This classic work of Arthurian literature provides insights into the ideals, customs, and codes of knighthood through the tales of King Arthur and his knights, including their ranks, challenges, and quests.

“Knights and Knighthood in the Middle Ages” by C.G. Coulton
This scholarly work delves into the historical and cultural aspects of knighthood in the Middle Ages, including the ranks, roles, and social significance of knights in medieval society.

These books offer valuable insights into the ranks and roles of medieval knights, their historical context, and their cultural significance. They are highly recommended for those interested in delving deeper into the fascinating world of knighthood and chivalry during the Middle Ages.

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The Rankings Of Knights: Understanding The Hierarchy Of Chivalry | Medieval Chronicles (2024)
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